Frequently asked questions
- Why should I run a Validator Node on the CORD network ? (or any node?)
A Validator Node is an important and integral part of the design of the CORD Network. Any entity running a Validator Node can participate in the Technical Council of the network and have a say in decisions around the technical elements of it.
- What happens to my API subscription if I run a node?
API Subscriptions are associated with the #MARK Studio service and at present not related to the CORD Network.
- What is the cost of running a Validator Node?
The recommendations around sizing for a Validator Node are - Ideal: 32 GB RAM, NVMe SSD of 256GB - Minimum: 16 GB RAM, SSD Storage of 256GB This sizing leads to an approximate cost of around 150 USD/Month on the list price in AWS/GCP/OCI etc.
- What type of nodes should I be running? Where?
The CORD Sparknet comprises different types of nodes - boot node, full node, validator node and archive node. Each type of node has a different function within the network infrastructure. These nodes can be run on any of the known public cloud instances such as AWS, GCP or OCI. The project has documentation on setting up each kind of node as per the requirements within the network instance.
- What is Governing Council?
Every blockchain network runs with certain guidelines. For CORD, as its PoA, ‘who are the validators?’ question is answered by the governing council of particular network. Also, the governing council can decide on how the node is managed, what are the cost involved in transaction etc etc.
- Why should be I be on it? Benefits?
Usecases. If you believe you having the block data with you gives benefit for your usecases, then it makes sense to run the nodes.
- What is the minimum number of nodes I should be running to be on Governing Counsel?
Minimum Two. One validator, One archive. Can be max of 5-10 nodes based on network needs.
- If the transaction prices are decided by governing counsel, how can Dhiway promise me the price for API?
We propose multiple smaller networks focused on ecosystem or use-case as a solution. The API cost promise from Dhiway is for its public network. The complete API suite which includes access to all networks would be decided based on the charges of each network.
- Can we migrate to a private network after starting with public network?
- **What are the impact technically if its another CORD instance ?**
If its another CORD based network, then the impact is only timestamp changes and blockhash changes for the application.
- **COST for a private network setup?**
CORD is an open-source project, and if one wants to use the code and setup the network themselves, then the incurred cost is for the hosting infrastructure only. We recommend a network of 10 nodes to start with.
If one wants a professional services around for the nodes, then the cost is 150 - 300$ / month /node or 1500-3000$ / year / node, which provides SLA support, and all CVE updates for the node. In case, one wants Dhiway to run nodes on behalf of them, then we charge 300-600$ / month / node, or 3000-6000$ / year /node.
In case, one wants to get support from Dhiway on architecture guidance, and support etc, Dhiway runs a Builder’s program of 50,000$ (which promises 12 weeks of consultation time too).
- **What if I want to move to another chain with a smart contract?**
One is free to migrate, as reads on the network would be free as long as you are part of the network. Take your data and migrate.
If its a private network, which you want to shut down after migration, then all references to the identifiers used in the network would be lost. If your transactions are anchored on a network which is still running ( or other council led networks), then the reference to identifier will continue to exist.